Acquiring the seed and a spot to plant it in, that is development. Planting the seed, that is pre-production. When it finally bears fruit, then you have a film. – Ptara
Once again, techies have been spreading misinformation on how a film is made. Just because you helped design a cool piece of software doesn’t mean you know everything, and one thing they especially seem to get wrong is the difference between development and pre-production.
The main problem is that most of them don’t seem to think that there is a difference, or they think that development is part of pre-production. (Hint: I highly recommend Micheal Wohl\’s course on how to use Final Cut Pro X, although I take issue with some of his workflow advice, and also recommend his course on Apple Motion. However, steer clear of his course on Production, it\’s very badly researched and poorly prepared.) Continue reading “The difference between Development and Pre-Production”